We continue to adjust to the altitude, but we are gaining ground. I am feeling better and gaining control over the blood pressure issues. Lisa is very happy, because her new sewing machine came in yesterday. I can hear her using it in the other room as I write this morning. “Happy wife, happy life!” It is another festival in town today. It seems that we have a holiday every week around here. It means loud music at night that makes it all the way up the mountain to our place. I can’t hear it, but Lisa can. That is just the Ecuadorian lifestyle…Work hard and party hard. Familia is vey important here. Francisco spent an hour telling me about his mothers failing health. I have met her, and they think she has M.S. None of the brothers or sisters have steady employment, and there is no money for her trip to Cuenca to see the specialist. We may drive Francisco and family tomorrow to Tumianuma to have a family meeting, so they don’t have to drive their unregistered motorcycle that far.
We happy to count ourselves as servants of Christ. Because of the bond we have with His spirit, His character, His heart, we therefore feel for people as Jesus would. It is impossible to ignore the impoverished in this country, just as in the U.S. The scale of economy is so much different here. It saddens me to see some people live with so little, but at the same time, they seem to be happy. I see many cell phones here. Not so sure that is a good thing. I tend to think personal electronic devices have influenced families back home and they will here as well. People with little or no money, still find a way to posses and ay the bill each month. I could write an entire article on the destruction of the family unit, but not today. I purchased a pair of imported leather sandals in Loja for $50 which I though was a little high. Rosa almost had a heart attack when she found out. The probably would have bought three pair of shoes for the same money. I have learned that I need to keep purchases quiet. I normally dress like most Ecuadorians. Jeans and an old shirt. Rosa and Francisco dress up fancy whenever we go to town. We do not.
Casita is coming along slowly but progressing. In the attached video you will see the spiral staircase that is almost complete. Today, they are hanging gutters and placing metal on the roof. It won’t be handicapped accessible by any means, but Ecuador is not really a handicapped accessible country. Don’t get me wrong, in the cities there are ramps and a few parking spaces marked as such, but here in the small villages it is not so. Most of the country side around here, is rugged mountain terrain. There are steep steps everywhere, and it can be dangerous just walking on the cobble streets in town if you don’t watch where you are going.
We are making great strides on the gardens thanks to Francisco and Rosa. We would be overwhelmed without their help. We are planting a coffee orchard, more Avocado, Mango and Pear trees. We also have ground cover going in as well in both Purple Wandering Jew, and Ice Plant. Francisco has spent a good deal of time making new gardens in front of his Casita, and you can see the results in the pics. Squash is doing well, beans are up and growing also. Things seem to be growing slower here than back in Texas. Not as much daylight hours, and we have had many days of cloud cover lately. However, once things start to produce, they just keep on producing for many months.
We had two trips to Loja again this week, for Car repair. Happy to say that the A/C is fixed and ready for our upcoming trip to Machala. This is the only time we use A/C, but boy is it necessary at the coast. On Monday, we travel to the city of Cuenca which is about 4 ½ hours North West of us. It will be cool there I am sure. It is my first time to drive to Cuenca, but I am confident as the highways are generally good from here to there. Haydee is going with us, so we can better navigate the city streets. Cuenca is a city of about 800,000 people. We are traveling there, because I must get my Cedula there. Apparently, foreigners can only get this in Cuenca. It will be a long day for sure. Kind of like driving from Austin to Houston and back in one day. My Visa is in hand, so we are resting easier about that. Now for Lisa’s!
Francisco and I spent yesterday completing a potting bench for the side of the house. Lisa and I designed it and had Darwin do the welding of the steel frame. Francisco had a bunch of reclaimed tongue and groove lumber that we used for the top and back. We finished it with Teak Oil. It sits under the overhang, so it won’t get direct rain. Lisa is making progress painting the wrought iron fence. This is no small task as we have hundreds of feet of the stuff. I am good at directing her efforts.
Our German Shepard Trudy is growing like a weed. She is still meaner than a snake but is also a pleasure. Speaking of snakes, we had a Red Coffee Snake come in the house the other day. Trudy barked like crazy to get our attention and kept her distance. She did very good at protecting us. We dispatched the snake muy pronto!
We do have big news coming but can’t tell you for another week or so. How is that for click bait?
Until next time,
Dios te Bendiga!
